Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Origins. {Creationism, Evolution, Alien, or other}

How did we get here? How did mankind become a resident on this planet we call Earth? Ever since we have had the ability to question the natural world around us, we have wondered this. Some people believe a deity waved it's magic wand and, boom everything was created at once. Other people think we evolved from the creatures that were already here. Some even go as far as believing that we are the spawn of some type of extraterrestrial life form .Taking these things into consideration, I think all three of these ideas have connections to one another and paint a larger picture of the origins of man. I feel the most logical explanation, is that several extra terrestrial civilizations have influenced the way we have developed as a human species over the course of time.

In the new King James Version of the Holy Bible, it states in Genesis, "let us make man in our own image, according to our likeness". This passage could be interpreted, that our creators were from some other place and numbered more than one. In the same Bible, Mary gives birth by Immaculate Conception to the son of God. The only way this is possible is through artificial insemination, and at that time mankind did not have that technology, so it must've been done by the extra terrestrial life forms developing that area. Perhaps at this time the extra terrestrial's were not happy with this regions development and felt it necessary to intervene. 

This was taken from a response of a YouTube video 
John3:13 but HE THAT DESCENDED OUT FROM HEAVEN, even the Son of man, who is in heaven.
Eph4:10 HE THAT DESCENDED is the same also that ascended far above all the heavens, that he might fill all things.
John18:36 Jesus said,“My kingdom is NOT OF THIS WORLD...But now my kingdom is from another place(IN THE SPACE).
Mark16:19 , he was taken up into heaven(SPACE)..

~ "The Madonna with Saint Giovannino" ~
Above Mary's left shoulder is a shining, or glowing, disk shaped object.

A man and his dog can clearly be seen looking up at the floating object in the composite below. Painted in the 15th century, Palazzo Vecchio lists the artist as unknown ~ although attributed to the Lippi school.

Upon closer inspection, the man seems to be looking away from the UFO, behind him and over his shoulder. Or, more likely, the notably out of place object may be imagined floating above the ground between them. From either perspective, could Mary be seen as blocking the two babies from the flying saucer's view? Perhaps the dog glimpses the hovering object ~ with it's mouth open, it could even be barking at it. But what is that dark, sparkling, disassembled figure beside them ~ a dwarf, or an ethereal being? A body, legs, head, and tail can be made out. Could this represent a type of alien, or demon? Also, Mary's halo seems a bit shadowy ~ more like a vaporous disc than a ring of light.

~ "The Baptism of Christ" ~
Fitzwilliam Musuem, Cambridge, England - Painted in 1710 by Flemish artist Aert De Gelder, depicts a classic, hovering, silvery, saucer shaped UFO shining beams of light down on John the Baptist and Jesus. What could have inspired the artist to combine these two subjects?

Aliens of different origins probably developed different regions of the world, thus giving us our many diversified races. This would also explain why some races are more adapted to certain climates as others. Maybe Homo Habilis evolving into Homo erectus was expedited by alien intervention. Maybe Cro-Magnon's defeat of the Neanderthals was the result of a wager made by two competing extraterrestrial civilizations. Not only can you see alien intervention in human development, it is also apparent in many ancient buildings and monuments throughout the world.

Puma Puku, located in South America this entrance is made out of of granite and diorite and the only stone harder is diamond, these ruins are more than 1,000 years old. Obviously some superior, intelligent life form either created this or helped the indigenous people to create it.

“From Southern Mexico, Pacal the Great ruled over the Mayan city of Palenque, during the seventh century. He was buried inside a pyramid called the Temple of Inscriptions. The intricately carved lid of his sarcophagus has become a classic work of Mayan art and also proof and evidence for ancient alien theorists. In their view, Pacal is pictured in a spaceship during takeoff, with his hand on a control panel, his foot on a pedal and an oxygen tube in his mouth.”  (ancientaliens.wordpress.com)

As long as man is alive, he will wonder as to his origins. Whether he was created by magic, evolved from apes, or whether he has an alien in his family tree. It makes sense to me that all of these are true.

This Clip is one of a series that talks about a man that supposedly had contact with an extra terrestrial race known as the Pleadiens.

By Jason Cross

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